Reception / Year 1 Willow Class

Welcome to Reception and Year 1 Willow Class!

Willow Class are taught by Miss Lawe and Miss Bangs. 

Mrs Walker teaches Willow Class on a Tuesday. 

Our PE days are:

Monday (indoor PE)

Thursday (outdoor PE)

Our Assemblies are:

  • Monday- Mrs O’Shaughnessy
  • Tuesday- Mrs Hall
  • Wednesday- Mrs Gipson
  • Thursday- Miss Jackson, singing assembly
  • Friday- Celebration Assembly

This term we are explorers and looking at the life of Christopher Columbus.  We will use our geography skills to find locations he visited and compare one of these to the Isle of Wight.  The children will order a timeline of significant periods in history and his life.  Once the children have found out knowledge of Columbus’s adventures they will

Year 1 Curriculum Overview