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Local Governing Board

Local Governing Board

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Local Governing Board

Each Academy in the Trust has a Local Governing Board with responsibility for supporting the management and staff in implementing the overall aims of the Trust.  

Brooke Hill Academy Trust

To view the Trust statutory documents, please click here

If you are interested in becoming a Governor at Brooke Hill Academy Trust, please contact Mr Simon Foulkes, Chair of Trustees via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Brooke Hill Academy Trust is a Multi Academy Trust with responsibility for three primary academies, Brooke Hill Academy and Edith Weston Academy in Rutland and South Witham Academy in Lincolnshire. The overall aim of the Multi Academy Trust is to ensure all children receive a good quality education through:

  • Provision of a safe and secure learning environment

  • Maintaining standards by challenging and monitoring the performance of the Academies

  • Managing the Academy Trust's finances and property in line with the Funding agreement set out by the Secretary of State for Education

  • Maintain a full complement of teaching and support staff

  • Ensure that the Academies and the Academy Trust comply with both charity and company law

Clerk to the Trust

Mrs Nicola Tyers