Visiting Us
We know that many families are now starting their search for their child's primary school and we wanted to let you know that Brooke Hill will be offering personalised tours of school with the Headteacher again this year from the 3rd September. These can be booked in via the school office – please see our contact details on our school website. Tours can be accommodated any time of the day to see our wonderful school in action!
We also offer extensive wrap around care before and after school and are very happy for parents to drop in and see this exciting provision, again this can be booked via the school office.
We are incredibly proud of our unique, recently renovated learning environment and our academic standards which were some of the best the school has ever seen this academic year. We also offer regular Forest School sessions, lower down our school whilst ensuring we have a well planned smattering of enrichment to enhance our relevant and engaging curriculum which we believe engage our children to become lifelong learners.
Our newly created vision ‘Destination Excellence’ is based on children striving for excellence in all areas of school life through our broad, engaging and exciting offer.
We will very much look forward to meeting new families in the next few months.
Mrs O’Shaughnessy
Starting School?
If you child is starting school for the first time (starting in Reception) please refer to the information below and click on the link below for more information. This is useful for parents of children who are starting school for the first time
Click to Visit the Rutland School Admissions Site
Transferring Schools
If your child is already at school but you would like to transfer your child to our school you will need to complete our admissions form and email it to
Brooke Hill Academy
Brooke Road
LE15 6HQ
Below are a number of valuable documents to help with admissions to our school.
Admissions Policies & Documents
For RCC fair access policy please click here.