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PFA Parents and Friends Association

Welcome to the Friends of Brooke Hill Academy

Brooke Hill Academy has had a successful, friendly, committed, hardworking Parents and Friends Association for many years. During this time, we have equipped the school with many resources and helped with costs of trips, including:

  • Staging for the hall
  • Playground equipment
  • ICT equipment
  • Sports equipment
  • Indoor games for classrooms
  • Help with the costs of the swimming buses
  • Book bags for all new children
  • Yr5/6 trip to the Space Centre in Leicester for Science Week
  • Key Stage 1 trip to Hamerton Zoo for their Africa topic
  • Treats/party's for the children at Christmas and Easter

We have provided extra- curricular activities for the children, such as: discos, film nights, quiz nights, school fairs etc. all of which are really well attended

In order to do this, we need the support of parents, carers and guardians.

As parents, carers, guardians or even grandparents you are automatically members of PFA (together with all of the staff) and you may like to join our committee.

The committee meet in a very informal way approximately once a term. The meetinut 1 hour and serve the purpose of discussing events planned for the children.  Members have become friends over the years and enjoy sharing other news with each other as well.  It is an excellent way to meet people if you are new to the last abo

You do not have to become a member of the committee to help out at any of the events. Just ask! We do welcome new faces and need your support in order to survive!  If you do become a member of the committee, there is no obligation to attend every meeting, minutes of the meeting can always be e-mailed to you. We don't even expect you to be able to help at every event, even just once helping would be appreciated whether it's pouring tea, selling tickets, labelling raffle prizes - it all helps.

The work of PFA has helped the school flourish into the successful school that it has become. Please help us continue to go forward and support in any way that you can.

If you would like to contact me please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Join us on facebook - Friends Of Brooke Hill Academy Trust Or on Twitter @FBHAT_1

Natalie Lowe and the PFA team

You can also help to raise funds for the school, for free, from the comfort of your own home, by logging into easyfundraising and choosing Brooke Hill School PFA Rutland as your charity - please click onto the link below.