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Local Governing Board

School Development Plan

School Development Plan: September 2022- July 2023

Overarching Aim: Good teaching and progress, throughout the school


This plan has been devised to incorporate actions to address the improvement priorities identified by school staff and Ofsted in October 2018, The School Development Plan sets out milestones up to July 2023 by which time it is anticipated the school will be judged at least good; the action plan included is focused on the required actions to bring about improvement up to the end of this summer term. A programme of selfReview and next steps and regular internal and external monitoring will lead to further revisions and updates for this plan, including feedback from parents/carers and other stakeholders.

The results of these actions, in conjunction with our termly assessment monitoring, will enable us to identify areas for further work and where success in one area can be applied in new areas.

Progress towards achieving the expected outcomes and addressing the priorities raised through the Ofsted Inspection Report will be monitored against the school’s milestone benchmarks (below).

Amended – 7th October 2022

The following priorities form the basis of Brooke Hill Academy’s work over the coming year.

Priority 1: To ensure all teaching is securely good and on the journey to move to outstanding

Priority 2:  Learning environments are inviting for all children, useful and celebrate work

Priority 3: Standards – all children making progress and standards challenged with rigour and pace

Priority 4: To ensure good progress in both reading and phonics

For our full Development Plan, please see below.