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Mr Walden Year 5/6

Pre School - Blossom

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Reception – Apple

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Happy New Year to all our lovely families, we hope you had a wonderful Christmas break and feel ready for an exciting new year. All the children came back to school very happily and they settled quickly and made a wonderful start to term 3.

This term our learning is based around the season of Winter. We will be thinking about the weather and how we need to keep safe and warm, we will find out about hibernation and we will also look at different polar animals and where they live. We will focus some of our learning around the stories ‘One Snowy Night’, ‘Go to Sleep Little Bear’, ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ and ‘Lost and Found’. We will also look at freezing and melting as part of our Understanding the World area of learning. Later in the term, we will find out about the celebrations of Chinese New Year, Shrove Tuesday and Valentine’s Day.

We will also continue with our daily phonics and maths sessions. We are hosting an information session for all reception parents on how we teach maths at school. This is being held at 9am on Wednesday 10th January. There will be a short presentation in the hall and then there will be a chance to go though to the classroom to see some learning in action.  We would love to see you there.

Alongside the daily phonics sessions, we will continue to hear your child read so please can we ask that their reading books, along with their reading records, are kept in their book bags and brought to school every day. Please also record any times you read with your child at home in their reading records.  Please do not hesitate to ask a member of the team if you have any questions regarding this.

PE will take place a twice a week this term. However, due to visits from external coaches and timetable changes, the days do vary so please can your child’s PE kit be kept in school all week. Please ensure they have suitable warm clothing for the outdoor PE session.

Please can we remind you to label all of your child’s clothing as we do tend to find lots of jumpers and cardigans left with no names in and it is therefore difficult to return them to their owners!

A little reminder to keep your eye on Tapestry for photos and updates of your child’s learning and please feel free to post any ‘wow’ moments that you might have had at home on there as we love to see some of the wonderful things your child does at home.

If you ever have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to ask. We are always here if you need us. Here’s to a fun and exciting term!

Kind regards,

The Reception Team.

Apple Class Curriculum Overview

Year 3 / 4 Chestnut

Year 3 / 4 Rowan

Year 3 / 4 Redwood