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See what our School Councillors say...

What I like about Brooke Hill

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I really like Brooke Hill for many different reasons. The school is a friendly, welcoming environment with so many kind and amazing teachers and students who all like to help and listen to each other.

Whenever I am with my friends at Brooke Hill I am always happy and enjoying myself. All of the lessons are very stimulating and the teachers have a great way of making them fun and engaging. At the end of each lesson, I often find myself wanting to research more on the particular topic we are studying . I always come out of the classroom knowing more than I did when I came in.

The teachers are always there to give extra help to any student who is struggling slightly with the work. The extra curricular activities and residentials are great fun and I’ve had some great experiences such as PGL and the Casterton College Science Day. I have enjoyed my years at Brooke Hill so much and I hope my final year will be my best one yet.

RJ School Councillor

There are lots of things I love about our school. Every 2 terms, there is a new variety of wonderful clubs to take part in, whether it's woodworking, sport or arts and crafts, there is something for everyone. 

At playtimes there are plenty of things to do: relax in the outdoor quiet area, play on the trim trail, read in the Reading Shed or play with equipment from the Huff and Puff shed which is open every day at lunchtimes. 
In Year 5 there is opportunity to go on residential, where you are guaranteed to have fun and learn stuff at the same time. In Year 6 you get to go to London or York for an overnight stay. There are also plenty of different trips throughout the school which bring our learning to life. 
Children are encouraged to take on roles and responsibilities across school, such as; school council, sports leaders, eco council and many more...
